viernes, 27 de marzo de 2009

We Are From America Ya Disponible en MarilynManson.Com!

Damas y caballeros, la espera ha terminado y, al fin, despues de mucho tiempo de espera tenemos el tan esperado resultado musical de la reunion de Marilyn Manson con su amigo Twiggy Ramirez ambos en este gran proyecto pateaculos llamado Marilyn Manson. Si, han regresado y con toda la potencia, provocacion y shock para hacer temblar a los EEUU y el mundo convencional, hipocrita y conformista. Gracias al blog tenemos ya acceso a la cancion We Are From America, primer adelanto oficial de The High End Of Low y
ademas gracias a ese blog tenemos acceso tambien a descargar dos canciones nuevas mas que, segun Rudy Coby, no son las versiones finales de esos temas sino mas bien demos y dice tambien que las versiones finales son mucho mas pesadas. La foto que acompaña esta noticia corresponde a una nueva imagen que se dio a conocer durante algunos minutos en el My Space de Marilyn Manson y al parecer ahi esta en su habitacion con su novia Evan Rachel Wood acostada de espalda. Si se le da brillo a la fotografia veran las paredes escritas que es donde dijo Manson que habia escrito tambien las letras de el nuevo album. Les dejo los links entonces para que descarguen estas tres canciones y recuerden que solo We Are From America esta en su version final.

We Are From America


The Wow

We're from America,
We're from America,
where we eat our young

we're from america, we're from america, it's where jesus was born

we're from america, we're from america, where they let you cum on there faces

we're from america, we're from america, we speak american

we don't believe in credibility, because we know that were fucking incredible (x2)

I want to be a martyr don't want to be a victim, be a killer with a gun so they call me a hero,want to be a martyr don't want to be a victim,be a killer with a gun so they call me a hero

god is an excuse (x7)

so sing it with me

we're from america, we're from america, we're from america, you can sing it with me

we're from america, we're from america, we're from america, you can sing it with me

we're from america

we don't like to kill our unborn, we need them to grow up and fight our wars (x2)

we believe in everything we say, we say it because we believe it (x2)

we're from america, we're from america, we're from america, you can sing it with me

we're from america, we're from america, we're from america, you can sing it with me

we're from america, you can sing it with me,we're from america, you can sing it with me,
we're from america, were from america, we turn literature into litter we're from america,

were from america, we believe in being a quitter
i'm in recovery (x3)
we're from america, we're from america, from america, so sing it with me,
we're from america, we're from america, we're from america, you can sing it with me (x2)
we're from america, you can sing it with me (x2)
we eat our young (x12)

Esto ultimo es la letra de We Are From America.

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