martes, 19 de mayo de 2009

The High End Of Low Comentado por los Medios

Diferentes medios de comunicacion, sobre todo revistas, ya han oido y comentado el nuevo album de Marilyn Manson, The High End Of Low. La mayoria han sido muy buenas criticas al album. Les dejo algunas de las mas importantes en su idioma original:

BBC comenta The High End Of Low

Spin Comenta The High End Of Low:


The overlord of the overblown justifies his sleaze.
Not that anyone but that kid serving you at TCBY was counting - but after a seven year break, goth rock's funniest creep welcomes back guitarist Twiggy Ramirez for this collection of 15 necromantic vamps, mass-murder ballads, and stormtrooper anthems (including the stupendous "Arma-goddamn-motherfuckin-geddon," where Manson's glorious glam roots are showing). While it's still easy to dismiss his shock tactics as puerile and insensitive (if you're gonna sing about someone "pretty as a swastika," they'd better be really ugly), he hasn't sounded this vital - and tuneful - since Mechanical Animals. Oh, the horror!

All Music Comenta The High End Of Low:

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